On this page:
Who: The Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship
What: A legislative amendment to enable agreements with Indigenous Governing Bodies to share decision-making about public land use
Where: Province-wide
Why: The Province hopes to be able to negotiate agreements with Indigenous governments and begin sharing decision-making on public land use in the late spring of 2024.
How: Written submissions
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This formal engagement process has been closed. People interested in sharing their views on the topic can submit by email to landactamendments@gov.bc.ca.
Collection notice: Personal information is collected under section 26(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purposes of evaluating and improving the sharing of public land use decision-making. If you have any questions about the collection of your information, please contact the Program Area staff at LandActAmendments@gov.bc.ca.
For further information please see the statement from Minister Nathan Cullen: Minister’s statement on proposed Land Act amendments | BC Gov News
Engagement summary
The 2019 Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (DRIPA) is the provincial framework for reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. DRIPA provides flexibility for the Province to enter into agreements with Indigenous governments to share decision-making on the use of public land together. However, amendments to pre-existing legislation (like the Land Act) are required to make this happen. DRIPA establishes the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as the Province’s framework for reconciliation. The Declaration Act aims to create a path forward that respects the human rights of Indigenous Peoples while providing better transparency and predictability related to the work we do together.
The Province wants to know your thoughts on sharing public land use decision-making. This information will help ensure the path forward is informed by a range of perspectives and solutions.
View the virtual session slide deck (PDF, 350KB)